Feb 2025
Published Skin-Deep Stories to Itch! I FINISHED SOMETHING.
Yup, they cancelled PrOMSI (well, rescheduled, but it's to a date I can't make...) Damn, I was really looking forward getting out and about for my yearly selfie in planetarium hall.
Snow day! Unfortunately, they're probably going to cancel PrOMSI.
Back from vacation. What the actual fuck?! Good news: I successfully cut off most digital communication. Bad news: Shit is going really sideways really fast and now I'm in disaster overload of trying to sort through what I can directly impact and engage with.
Jan 2025
Taking a vacation at the end of the month. Intend to cut off most digital communication and spend a lot of time walking, resting, swimming, and eating.
Cleaned out my garden boxes, going to do a bunch of flowers in the front, a reasonable quantity of veg in the back.
Played an incredible live vinyl DJ set for the first time in ages. Absolutely going to ride this endorphin high for as long as I can.
Working on reinforcing community relationships and validating lines of communication.
Dec 2024
Held boundaries with family events, stayed mentally and emotionally healthy. Calling that a heckuva win.
Stalled on "Into the Dragonlands". Need to find a solid time to review, reevaluate, and devise a move-forward plan.
ACT lessons and techniques working really really really well.
Nov 2024
Appetizers-only Friendsgiving was a great idea.
Lost my office. Lost part of my community. Survivor guilt sucks. Trying not to lose my way.
Starting ACT. Looks promising as a "so you're mindful, now what?" toolkit.
Dark AF mood. Silver lining, found local therapist.
Oct 2024
Sith Lord Bandit was a hit.
Legoland is excellent.
Lots of creative writing about dragons and impending darkness staved off by regular folks doing small, good things. Feel like this might be anticipatory dread.
Sept 2024
Corporations don't give a shit about any of us.
Kiddo wants to design a game. Using Carta. Rescuing dragon eggs. This is 100% on brand and I'm pumped.
Blog time. Going to keep this ultra simple. Small notes of things during the month. Reverse chronological? Yeah.